Is there Press Freedom in Cambodia? – 2023 Guide

When it comes to the question of if there is press freedom in Cambodia western governments and advocacy groups often take a dim view, but what is the real situation for journalists in the field?? A history of Press Freedom in Cambodia The modern Cambodian state has gone through a […]

De-Mining in Cambodia and legacy of the Khmer Rouge

Despite Democratic Kampuchea falling in 1979, nominal pace occurring in 1993 and the final vanquishing of the Khmer Rouge in 1998, Cambodia remains one of the 3 most mined countries on earth after Iraq and Afghanistan.  With the country recently celebrating 30 years of de-mining, take a look at how […]

What do Cambodians think about Pol Pot in 2023

What do Cambodians think about Pol Pot in the modern era? While you would expect the nation to have unbridled hatred for the Khmer Rouge regime, the actuality is something much more nuanced. To read about Pol Pot click here. Pol Pot and The Killing Fields Whatever your thoughts about Pol […]

What was the Peoples Republic of Kampuchea?

What was the Peoples Republic of Kampuchea? The Peoples Republic of Kampuchea was the state firmed in the aftermath of Democratic Kampuchea. Like Democratic Kampuchea it was also officially communist, but aligned with Vietnam and the Soviet Union, rather than China. Why was the Peoples Republic of Kampuchea formed? The […]

The Democratic Kampuchea Constitution

While the Pol Pot is often characterised by perceived anarchy it was actually guided by heavy Marxist-Leninist, Maoist and Khmer nationalist ideology. This is heavily shown in the constitution  of  the Khmer Rouge state, Democratic Kampuchea. Below is the Democratic Kampuchea Constitution . .  To read about Pol Pot click here.  […]

Analysing the Constitution of Democratic Kampuchea?

While the regime of Pol Pot is often described as a lawless dystopia the truth is much more complex, with their very much being laws, rules and indeed a constitution of Democratic Kampuchea. What was Democratic Kampuchea? Despite the fall of the Khmer Republic in April on 1975 and its […]

Who were the Workers Party of Kampuchea?

Who were the Workers Party of Kampuchea? The communist movement in Cambodia went through numerous changes from its initial birth as part of the Indochinese Communist Party, to the Khmer Rouge years and finally to the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), which still govern the country today. The current CPP trace […]

Son Ngoc Minh – the first communist leader of Cambodia

Son Ngoc Minh was the first communist leader of Cambodia, although few in Cambodia would know his name now. Also known as Achar Mean (អាចារ្យមាន), in 1950 he was appointed President of the United Issarek Front, a left-wing coalition that at its height controlled almost half of Cambodia. This can be […]

Son Ngoc Thanh – Cambodia’s National Socialist

Son Ngoc Thanh was a Vietnamese-Khmer Nationalist, government member, alleged CIA operative and leader of the Khmer Serai, more commonly known as the Khmer Bleu. Born in 1908 to a Khmer Krom father and a Vietnamese mother he was initially brought up in colonial Vietnam. In 1936 he founded the […]